How to call a Bermudian mobile phone from Grenada and Carriacuou.
Dial the following international mobile code:
1 + 441 + The Number
* Do not dial the plus (+) symbols
How to call a Bermuda mobile phone:
1 - Grenada and Carriacuou exit code
441 - Bermuda country code
1 + 441 + Local Number - Overall dialing format
Note: Bermuda and Grenada and Carriacuou are both members of NANP (North American Numbering Plan) so when calling between these countries, 1 is used in place of the country exit code.
World Times:
The time in Grenada and Carriacuou is now 14:21:54 PM (02:21:54 PM)
The time in Bermuda is now 14:21:54 PM (02:21:54 PM)
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