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North America ISO Code, Continent Code, & ccTLDs

North America ISO-3166 code provides you with the North America ISO code and continent code, plus a complete list of all North American countries with their ISO country codes (ISO-3166), including the Canada ISO code and USA ISO code, and ccTLDs (country code top level domain).

North America (change continent)

The continent code for North America is NA. Please use the follow table to identify the North American countries, as well as the country ISO codes and ccTLDs.

Country / Territory ISO-3166-2
(2 Letter Country Code)
(3 Letter Country Code)
(Country Domain Extension)
Anguilla AI AIA .ai
Antigua and Barbuda AG ATG .ag
Aruba AW ABW .aw
Bahamas BS BHS .bs
Barbados BB BRB .bb
Belize BZ BLZ .bz
Bermuda BM BMU .bm
Bonaire BQ BES .an
British Virgin Islands VG VGB .vg
Canada CA CAN .ca
Cayman Islands KY CYM .ky
Costa Rica CR CRI .cr
Cuba CU CUB .cu
Curacao CW CUW .cw
Dominica DM DMA .dm
Dominican Republic DO DOM .do
El Salvador SV SLV .sv
Greenland GL GRL .gl
Grenada and Carriacuou GD GRD .gd
Guadeloupe GP GLP .gp
Guatemala GT GTM .gt
Haiti HT HTI .ht
Honduras HN HND .hn
Jamaica JM JAM .jm
Martinique MQ MTQ .mq
Mexico MX MEX .mx
Miquelon PM SPM .pm
Montserrat MS MSR .ms
Netherlands Antilles CW ANT .an
Nevis KN KNA .kn
Nicaragua NI NIC .ni
Panama PA PAN .pa
Puerto Rico PR PRI .pr
Saba BQ BES .an
Sint Eustatius BQ BES .an
Sint Maarten SX SXM .sx
St. Kitts KN KNA .kn
St. Lucia LC LCA .lc
St. Pierre and Miquelon PM SPM .pm
St. Vincent VC VCT .vc
Trinidad and Tobago TT TTO .tt
Turks and Caicos Islands TC TCA .tc
United States US USA .us
US Virgin Islands VI VIR .vi


We hope that this has helped you to find the ISO 3166 code for all North American countries, along with the North American continent code, and ccTLDs. Why not bookmark this site and tell a friend how they too can easily find country ISO codes, continent codes, and ccTLDs at!

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